Sanders Riddle Rijm - Sweetie`s Spell

Sanders Riddle Rijm - Sweetie`s Spell

Dit is de riddle rijm Sweetie`s Spell die gemaakt is door Sander den Hartog met een beetje hulp van AI. Datum 20-5-2024 in Almere (Nederland).

Sweetie`s Spell


The sun bows down, its light to greet,

A music video plays, a visual treat,

Colors swirl, the scene's replete,

Her cauldron bubbles, a rhythmic feat,

Spells woven in with every heartbeat.


Her task at hand, to charm the street,

With NANi's tune, Sweetie's spell's neat beat,

In every note, a magic seat,

Where dreams and day's bright rays compete,

And night's cool whispers softly fleet.


The stars above, they twinkle, meet,

As dancers move with steps so sweet,

The melody's a strong conceit,

A symphony that won't deplete,

In this enchanted, moonlit suite.


The potion's mix, now quite elite,

With whispers of a song so petite,

It carries far, past urban sleet,

To where the sky and ocean greet,

A serenade that's quite complete.


The rhythm's pulse, it won't retreat,

It echoes 'round, a drum's repeat,

A spell cast in the summer's heat,

With Sweetie's verse, it's quite discrete,

A charm that makes the heart's drum beat.


So let the music now entreat,

The world to see this wondrous feat,

Where sun and song in harmony bleat,

And life's full spectrum feels concrete,

With every line, the rhyme's elite.

: Sanders Riddle Rijm - Sweetie`s Spell