Sanders Riddle Rijm - Summer's Heat

Sanders Riddle Rijm - Summer's Heat

Dit is de riddle rijm Summer's Heat die gemaakt is door Sander den Hartog met een beetje hulp van AI. Datum 1-5-2024 in Almere (Nederland).

Summer's Heat


The recipe whispered by moonlight's gleam,

A blend of berries, cream, and a dream.

He froze it solid, in balls so neat,

A sorbet to defeat the Queen's icy feat.


Now Spike, the mouse, with courage and flair,

Challenged the Queen to a frosty affair.

She tasted the sorbet, her heart did sway,

And melted away, like snow on a sunny day.


And so, Spike's legend grew far and wide,

A tiny hero, with a bike as his guide.

From dikes to castles, his tale they'd sing,

Of cream, fruit, and sorbet, fit for a king!


The Queen, now kind, her heart unfurled,

Declared Spike's sorbet the best in the world.

Together they'd ride, through valleys and streams,

Uniting their lands with sorbet dreams.


But fame didn't change him, not one bit,

He pedaled through life, with a humble wit.

From castle to cottage, he'd share his treat,

A sorbet for all, in the summer's heat.

: Sanders Riddle Rijm - Summer's Heat