Sanders Riddle Rijm - Spike the mouse on a bike

Sanders Riddle Rijm - Spike the mouse on a bike

Dit is de riddle rijm Spike the mouse on a bike die gemaakt is door Sander den Hartog met een beetje hulp van AI. Datum 1-5-2024 in Almere (Nederland).

Spike the mouse on a bike


On a dike, where the waters flow still,

Lived Spike, a mouse, not an average mill.

He rode his bike, with a basket to fill,

Heard the call, "Hurry, come back with skill!"


"Tell the rats, in the factory's gleam,

To halt the cheese, use milk for cream!"

So Spike pedaled fast, through the meadow's seam,

To spread the word, to follow the dream.


He gathered fruit, from orchard's yield,

Berries and apples, from the field.

With his bike now heavy, he did not shield,

The bounty he brought, to the dairy guild.


Back to the fridge, with fruits so bright,

Spike stored them away, out of sight.

The rats agreed, with all their might,

Cream and fruit, oh my oh my what a delight!


But Spike wasn't done, oh no, not yet,

He had more plans, you can bet.

He brewed a sorbet, with a secret twist,

To beat the Black Queen, in her icy tryst.

: Sanders Riddle Rijm - Spike the mouse on a bike