Sanders Riddle Rijm - Bill With A Drill

Sanders Riddle Rijm - Bill With A Drill

Dit is de riddle rijm Bill with a Drill die gemaakt is door Sander den Hartog met een beetje hulp van AI. Datum 1-5-2024 in Almere (Nederland).

Bill with a Drill


In a realm where myths and legends dwell,

Bill stood with his drill, a tale to tell.

The people rallied, with hope to instill,

A quest for the beetle, under the hill.


This beetle, adorned in gold so fine,

Held the sphinx's power, to twist and twine.

To change and to turn, both flesh and beams,

A power unseen, except in dreams.


They drilled through the night, the moon their guide,

For the beetle's magic, far and wide.

The ground gave way, to a chamber of old,

Where the beetle lay, its wings enfold.


With the power of ancients, the beetle did rise,

Transforming all, under the skies.

The world reshaped, with each wish it brings,

A new era dawned, as the beetle flaps its wings.


Now, here's a riddle, dark and sweet,

A challenge to make the victory complete.

To beat the Black Queen, without any feat,

What is the treat, that she cannot defeat?

: Sanders Riddle Rijm - Bill with a Drill