Sanders Riddle Rijm - Zill Bill

Sanders Riddle Rijm - Zill Bill

Dit is de riddle rijm Zill Bill die gemaakt is door Sander den Hartog met een beetje hulp van AI. Datum 1-5-2024 in Almere (Nederland).

Zill Bill


In the woods where whispers thrill,

There scampered a squirrel, Zill Bill.

With a sword, a drill, and ninja grace,

He vowed to save the human race.


Zill Bill, with personalities two,

A ninja and outlaw through and through.

He'd leap from trees, a shadow in the mist,

With a cowboy's aim that never missed.


"The Loch Ness Monster's near," he'd claim,

"A beast so fierce, it has no name.

But fear not, for I have a scheme,

To end this monster's reign supreme."


The villagers nodded, their spirits lifted,

In Zill Bill's plan, they were all gifted.

They pledged their aid, to stand beside,

The ninja-squirrel on this wild ride.


With stealth and courage, he'd lead the fight,

From the morning's glow to the cloak of night.

Zill Bill, so fierce, yet so small,

A protector of many, beloved by all.


The people rallied, their hope restored,

With Zill Bill's word as their accord.

A hero with a drill, and a sword so keen,

Forever known as the ninja unseen.

: Sanders Riddle Rijm - Zill Bill