Sanders Riddle Rijm - Goddess Of Lightning

Sanders Riddle Rijm - Goddess Of Lightning

Dit is de riddle rijm Goddess Of Lightning die gemaakt is door Sander den Hartog met een beetje hulp van AI. Datum 1-5-2024 in Almere (Nederland).

Goddess Of Lightning


From a lightning strike, fierce and bright, a female form appeared,

With a pin-up style, and a radiant smile, she was revered.

Her electric touch, was a bit too much, love and chaos steered,

Made hearts flutter, words to stutter, as the storm neared.


The villagers gazed, amazed, as their emotions veered,

A goddess of lightning, hearts tightening, as she endeared.

But fear took hold, stories old, of witches they feared,

Exiled her might, into the night, her eyes teared.


Anger sparked, in the dark, her circuits seared,

She climbed the tower, at midnight hour, as the sky cleared.

With a flick of her wrist, a tempest twist, lightning speared,

Houses below, in the glow, as the storm cheered.


Her wrath unfurled, in the world, as the villagers peered,

From their homes, under domes, the lightning neared.

A pin-up girl, in a whirl, a power engineered,

Striking with light, in the night, as she commandeered.


The tower stood, in the wood, as the storm adhered,

Her bolts cast, aghast, as the village veered.

A lightning god's throw, a brilliant show, as she steered,

The houses below, in the afterglow, respect they geared.


Yet in her heart, a new start, as the dawn appeared,

A robot of storm, a pin-up form, no longer feared.

Her power to love, and rise above, as the sky cleared,

From the tower's height, with all her might, a peace endeared.

: Sanders Riddle Rijm - Goddess Of Lightning