Sanders Riddle Rijm - A cat spinning a storm

Sanders Riddle Rijm - A cat spinning a storm

Dit is de riddle rijm A cat spinning a storm die gemaakt is door Sander den Hartog met een beetje hulp van AI. Datum 1-5-2024 in Almere (Nederland).

Sanders Riddle Rijm - A cat spinning a storm


A white cat, on the attack, learned kung fu with a knack,

In the Matrix style, with a smile, he never did lack.

But the jump test came, a leap of fame, he took a crack,

He missed, he hissed, down to earth, he fell back.


As he spun around, without a sound, clouds began to pack,

His tail, a gale, twirled and swirled, a spinning flack.

Nine lives to spend, he'd defend, no courage did he lack,

Afraid to fall, lose one and all, but fate, he'd hack.


Down he dove, from above, a feline in a sack,

Clouds spun wild, like a child, in a swirling stack.

One life at stake, a single take, on this skyward track,

Yet he'd survive, stay alive, no destiny to sack.


With a twist and turn, a lesson to learn, he'd come back,

From the sky so high, where eagles fly, he'd counterattack.

His tail, a rotor, a cloud promoter, cut no slack,

Spinning a storm, far from the norm, a cloudy wrack.


Though scared to lose, one life to choose, he'd face the flak,

A cat with skill, strong will, on a zodiac.

He'd land on feet, a feat so neat, no bone to crack,

Survive he must, in luck he'd trust, no life to backtrack.


Nine lives he holds, in tales untold, a mythic pack,

A kung fu leap, a fall so steep, a cinematic track.

Yet with each spin, a win within, no white or black,

He'd land with grace, in his own space, a perfect comeback.

: Sanders Riddle Rijm - A cat spinning a storm