Riddle Rijm - Golden Gecko

Dit is de riddle rijm Golden Gecko die gemaakt is door Sander den Hartog met een beetje hulp van AI. Datum 25-4-2024 in Almere (Nederland).

Golden Gecko


In a sun-kissed jungle where leaves intertwine

A realm of emerald hues where secrets align

Lives a Golden Gecko a creature so fine

A luminescent marvel both mystical and benign


Its scales, oh, its scales! They shimmer and gleam

Like molten gold spun from a celestial dream

When dawn’s first blush kisses the forest floor

The gecko emerges its purpose to explore


But wait, there’s more to this enchanting tale

Beyond the dawn’s embrace where shadows sail 

The gecko weaves through ferns and ancient vines

Its tiny claws tracing paths only it divines


It seeks forgotten temples lost in time’s embrace

Where whispers linger and legends interlace 

Each scale a rune etched with cosmic lore

Unfolding secrets of realms unseen before


At twilight when fireflies dance in twilight’s glow

The gecko perches on a moon-kissed bough 

Its eyes, twin galaxies hold the universe’s song

A symphony of stardust where it truly belongs


And when the night deepens the gecko retreats

To its leafy sanctuary, where dreams and reality meet

There it guards the forest’s heart a silent sentinel

creating a brilliant spectacle, both earthly and celestial 

: Riddle Rijm - Golden Gecko